Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hating people.

I know I know you must be thinking what kind of a post this is, but believe me today i thought let me write something of the people I (or rather We) hate. No one is perfect yet we seek others to behave the way our mind wants. and the moment they deviate we label them as "One of the people i hate". I still am not sure inspite an individual having so many defects in himself , he only starts figuring out the defects in the other person.

And this is what probably i have been doing

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Girl O' factor

Today I was travelling by a public transport and happened to overhear a conversation between so called educated women, which was simply devastating!! There were few women talking about the gender of the 'yet-to-be-born' child. i was aghast thinking of how people are.Even in this 21st century they want a male child onoly for the fact that the male child would continue the lineage.( as if its a sin to have a girl child). I was too tempted to ask those people if they will abandon the child were it a girl. Such is the pathetic state of our country and society. When will the minds change? Is it really a sin to have a girl child? Isnt a girl on par with a boy? We are still masked with the conception that female : male equality is getting better. Atleast the educated class should know to respect a woman. In my experience the importance of a girl comes to light only when she is born. I hope END is nearer to this discrimination (the discrimination of a child even before its birth).

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Human nature

Today, was sitting by the window sill closing my eyes and letting my ears do the work. Isnt it really a spectacular thing that our we can almost feel what's next to us by just letting our ears follow everything. Try thi and it works wonders - close ur eyes, and listen intently for few minutes. Be it the opening of the door close by or some vehicle passing by at a distance. You'll start hearing things you usually dont. And slowly listen to what your mind says listen to the mother nature. Your thinking and concenration increases to a greater extent. Trust me this works. :)