Sunday, May 23, 2010

Human nature

Today, was sitting by the window sill closing my eyes and letting my ears do the work. Isnt it really a spectacular thing that our we can almost feel what's next to us by just letting our ears follow everything. Try thi and it works wonders - close ur eyes, and listen intently for few minutes. Be it the opening of the door close by or some vehicle passing by at a distance. You'll start hearing things you usually dont. And slowly listen to what your mind says listen to the mother nature. Your thinking and concenration increases to a greater extent. Trust me this works. :)


Hari said...

first things first....its long time since ur last post....
yeah perhaps these days we r missing out on silence....
waiting for ur posts.... ;)

A P said...

Thinking or meditating here?? u a similar affect :)

Sadhu said...

@aparna- None if u ask me :P Giving some insights
@Hari- Yea been a while i have posted soemthing. Keep watchin my blog for mroe posts.

Sudheer said...

I do agree with you it really works in listening to that inner voice which we always neglect.But is this post a random thought or a change in thought process?

Sadhu said...

Well this is a random post. Thought i could post on various topics.

Archie said...

Its gd see posts from ur side madam.For your recent post,things that you would reverbarate around you and which you never noticed would come up in silence. :) Good thought but..

Keep posting new ones...


Pavan.Bandaru said...

hmm worth a try but need some leisure time which u r having plenty these days... :P

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